Chanced upon a blog, about relationship issue.
i read the entry, and it made sense.
Let me share with you what i read from the entry.

"at times, you would feel that HE is the guy you want to marry. but there are times u wish u din met him at all."

- How true is the above sentence. We girls dun mind marrying a guy, if we feel he is really the one. To most of us, wealth is not really an issue. we dun need someone super rich. we are educated, and capable of earning money ourselves. So we are not dependent on MEN.
BUt to them, they may feel that financially, they are still not capable of buying a house, having a family, this and that. Sometimes, i feel, are all these excuses? or their insecurities or what?
and hence, they will dread getting married and all that shit. so if the lady has been with him for YEARS, and already CONFIRM that she wants to marry him. and when he doesnt seem to show any signs of WANTING to get married, as a girl, u will feel "i spent all the years, loving u, being with u, care for u, be there for you. and getting married is just the natural thing to do. so WHY ARE YOU not proposing?" deep down in your heart, the devil in you will say "bastard, i love him so much, and this is wad i get? how i wish i din met bastard at all!"

i dunno, but this is just a personal perspective. some people may view it differently.

- sometimes when he hurts you with his words, actions. u feel so sad.
- sometimes when he talks big and give u lots of expectations abt ur future tgt, u feel happy. but deep down, u know, talk is cheap. it may never happen at all. he may fall for another girl and just dump you.
- sometimes when he cares, u will feel it's weird, cuz he never cared!
- when girls love someone. they will put in all effort to make it work.
- they will give up all expectations and just try to work out a future tgt, against all odds.
- for guys, i doubt they are so determined. most likely, they will avoid the issue, by breaking up, cold shoulder, or eventually, fall for someone else.

biased analysis u may say. but this is MY VIEW. so wad are ur viewS? does it make u think?

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