today marks baby's last day at ritz.
CONGRATULATIONS to a new beginning, a whole new experience and a new working environment! whatever the future holds, be positive. =)

Anyway, i miss school life. Quite badly actually.
Secondary school days were filled with horror memories about Mrs Seah, our Discipline Mistress, and also mass runs on tues and thurs.
i used to hate mass runs so badly, i would think of ways just to get PE MC. haha.
but now, i learnt how to appreciate the runs and PEs. they keep u healthy and fit!
Look at me now! flabs and flabs of fats. round the tummy, on my arms, around my face, on my tighs, u name it, there's FLABS of fats there. sigh....

i miss bumping into the girls in the toilet, from diff classes. just a quick gossip would be good.
i miss running to the girls' classes, and drop them little letters.
i miss running to the canteen from the slope during recess time, cuz we din want to queue and were super hungry.
i miss sitting at the back of the class, and look out for joanna. P.
i miss receiving letters. especially those pretty ones.
i miss drinking ULTRA COLD ribena after PE.
i miss NOT HAVING ANY FRIED food in schoool. (i used to tink my sch is crazy for not having fried food!)
i miss taking BUS 111 to town and rot our days away
i miss eating in class, and fretting if the teacher could see us.
i miss LIN LAO SHI (my sec 3&4 Chinese teacher). SHe loves to scold us all the time. =)
i miss the library. super comfy to watch DVD.
i miss taking 132 home with meena, christina and dalveer. we always make lots of noise.
i miss teacher's day, national day, CNY, cuz we got to see all those funny performances from students and teachers.
i sec sch life. spent 4yrs in sec sch. and zoom! im 21 now!
im glad wing's party theme is BACK TO SCH! honestly, i cant fit into the skirt. fucks.

and i start to miss poly life too.
miss eating and eating at the different canteens.
miss staying back in school, rushing proj at the comp lab.
miss booking the study room for proj discussion, but ended up talking crap.
miss saffron classes. miss cooking in my chef coat and little hat.
miss sitting in the LT, and everyone knows everyone. (unlike now in SIM, super boring. everyone dunno everyone. nothing for me to miss next time....)
miss rushing from class to class, from locker to class, etc.
miss "cutlet one....", mensa hokkien mee with lotsa chilli and fried onions, design's malay food...
miss smoking break at reserviour.
miss taking 69 frm bedok, and the super SNAKE-y long queue in the morning.
miss all my proj grp mates. sigh...that 3 yrs passed damn fast.

i guess i wont miss anything abt SIM after the 2 yrs has passed.
cuz i go sch everyday, just for lecture. seldom eat in sch, cuz my grp mates all have their own stuff to do.
met in the study room for proj yesterday, and the facility is damn shitty.
u can totally hear the next room whispering. sigh. that's when i began to miss tp's study room.
i dunno the people in my LT, except my grp mates.
no tutorials to bring the class closer. during break, u can see many cliques hanging ard. oh well.
i dun really enjoy sim life now. dunno why. sigh.

anyway, did my assignment the whole day. it's done. will be doing editing tonight.
i must work hard for my own future. jia you!

in my past..

Dinner at Riverside Point 11/8/07 : Indonesian Res...
QUICK FIX MEAL!!! Porkchop Spaghetti!- One can of ...
Cresentians Meeting: 2nd Aug 07 @ suntec NYDC. Mud...
Mount Faber: 27 07 2007 after class, went for dinn...
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DIE DIE today also must blog. because the date is ...
As i am typing this entry, im trying to digest my ...
13-07-2007, Friday: Work, Dim Sum Dollies, Clarke ...
Mission: Buy Birthday Present for Xaria. 14 07 20...