As i am typing this entry, im trying to digest my text book, The History of Management Thought. i am just trying so hard to understand the first chapter. BUT, to no avail.
i FUCKING dun get it!!! not even the first few pages. WTF.

it's just NO LINK loh. how to link from the past, abt their management, in response to the management in the current context? fucks.

Is this what university life is all about? studying modules that you dun understand??
the book is so thick. the font size is abt 8?? and it's words, words and more words.


- 1 ER individual essay due week 6
- 1 HMT test week 6
- 1 HMT group project due week 11

how i wish im not studying now. sigh.
no camera. no picture. i cant wait to see my BLING BLING camera!!!

in my past..

13-07-2007, Friday: Work, Dim Sum Dollies, Clarke ...
Mission: Buy Birthday Present for Xaria. 14 07 20...
Happy 1st Birthday Xaria!!Sunday 15 07 2007Taken o...
Something very OFF had just happened.yucks. im so ...
Vivocity @08-07-2007 dinner at MOdesto's. Expensi...
07-07-2007 Rick & Cindy's Wedding... at 7am sharp,...
No pictures today. some reflections.- im scared, s...
My Loved Ones: little mini cupcake given by one un...
the BRANDED GIRLS! im loving it. the brand, the ma...
A FUN-FILLED Tuesday at work! What does this orang...