Tuesday, July 10, 2007 at 8:40 PM ♥ Sarahdee ♥
Vivocity @08-07-2007
waited more than half an hr for our food. and i got bored.
chicken breast pasta. yucks, so salty!
he's got enuff of crazy me. stared at me in amazement?
but the boys love it!! =) great weekend! looking forward to this weekend too!
dim sum dollies, here i come!!!
btw, school started last thurs. been very busy rushing from school to work, work to school.
assignments have been given out, and deadlines are near the corner.
i am so scared. =(
baby bought me all the pink stationaries for school! organiser, pen, file, post-it, foolscap. all in pink! thank u sweets. =)
in my past..
07-07-2007 Rick & Cindy's Wedding... at 7am sharp,...No pictures today. some reflections.- im scared, s...
My Loved Ones: little mini cupcake given by one un...
the BRANDED GIRLS! im loving it. the brand, the ma...
A FUN-FILLED Tuesday at work! What does this orang...
Nothing Much....im sure the boys who've been thru ...
A Saturday at work....The above is specially for c...
baby message me last night and told me he loves me...
Office on a Friday.... Thanks to xin xin for the d...
OH SO RANDOM! First sms that i rec today...my mum ...