Vivocity @08-07-2007
dinner at MOdesto's. Expensive and not that fantastic. heard so much abt it. but the dinner left me feeling disappointed. service was bad and slow too.

herb bread with olive oil

waited more than half an hr for our food. and i got bored.

chicken breast pasta. yucks, so salty!

azmi and his funny face.

blocking the papparazi! ;)

the couple! charmaine and azmi

the photographer. haha. how pro!!

blinded from the camera flashes. from azmi and me. haha

he's got enuff of crazy me. stared at me in amazement?

giant ice-cream!!!

after the show transformers!! i dozed off man. =(

but the boys love it!! =) great weekend! looking forward to this weekend too!

dim sum dollies, here i come!!!

btw, school started last thurs. been very busy rushing from school to work, work to school.

assignments have been given out, and deadlines are near the corner.

i am so scared. =(

baby bought me all the pink stationaries for school! organiser, pen, file, post-it, foolscap. all in pink! thank u sweets. =)

in my past..

07-07-2007 Rick & Cindy's Wedding... at 7am sharp,...
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My Loved Ones: little mini cupcake given by one un...
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Nothing sure the boys who've been thru ...
A Saturday at work....The above is specially for c...
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Office on a Friday.... Thanks to xin xin for the d...
OH SO RANDOM! First sms that i rec mum ...