Friday, June 22, 2007 at 8:00 PM ♥ Sarahdee ♥
Office on a Friday....
need a trim soon!
hope baby gets to book out tmr?
told baby that school is starting..i've got to work and study. it's gonna be tough. plus his work schedule is always so tight. doubt we will be able to meet up often.
and he said..."baby, ur priority is school now. not me. not our relationship. just work hard and study hard. get a degree, and dun have to worry abt ya future."
but for me, i just hope i can balance work, study, and love. i know it's not gonna be easy.
it takes 2 hands to clap. i am happy that he is very supportive of me studying. but im sad that he said school is my priority now, not him.
i guess he's needs time to build a career now, and learn as much as he can. his dream is to own a restaurant, or be an executive chef before the age of 30. i hope for the best. for the both of us.
in my past..
OH SO RANDOM! First sms that i rec mum ...i feel so sad today.i dunno why.mixed feelings.her...
Yes i know.. my picture plus the caption is a bit ...
Over at TPY....... WHile waiting for my breakfast ...
Finally! im blogging! haha. blogging on my new LG ...
i need a place to vent my anger. i was scolded and...
Take this test when ya bored! =)Create your own Fr...
Realised i haven been posting any pictures!! Haven...
I caught the flu bug!sigh. but i cant take anymore...
well. i din get what i applied for.things happened...