Over at TPY.......

WHile waiting for my breakfast to be serve to me....and my sitting posture is bad!
Our own pan cake for breakfast....told baby i miss eating pan cake...

ta-da! i had to fight with him to wake him up. suppose to have pan cake as breakfast. but it became LUNCH!!!

Here's a special post, Especially for my Jillia-lia...(only i call her that ;))

Hey Jillia-lia, i hope u like the little piece of artwork from me. i know i wont be at work today, so i made it and pass to cheng, so she can hand it to u today. sorry for the bad quality of photo. but the words mean more than the pictures. just wanna express my gratitude to you. Whenever i double-bank with you in the past. u are always so patient and giving.
U've been a great friend. A wonderful colleague. I will definitely miss the crazy times tgt at work, all the making-up, taking funny pictures, etc etc....All the best in whatever you do babe.
rem not to lau-bak-sai k? hee hee. love you loads. stay in touch. going to miss disturbing you being fatty, and miss u saying im fatty. with lots of love. muacksss....

in my past..

Finally! im blogging! haha. blogging on my new LG ...
i need a place to vent my anger. i was scolded and...
Take this test when ya bored! =)Create your own Fr...
Realised i haven been posting any pictures!! Haven...
I caught the flu bug!sigh. but i cant take anymore...
well. i din get what i applied for.things happened...
Life has been good to me.I'm blessed.thank you for...
Guess wad everyone!? i quit diet-ing! haha.I was o...
Dear ALL. Pls do show your suport to the above eve...
Day 2:Breakfast - 1 red apple + 1 slice of peanut ...