Guess wad everyone!? i quit diet-ing! haha.
I was on a diet for 4 consecutive days and i stopped.
Why? cuz there was one time, i was starving till i got severe gastric.
and i had to visit the nearest doc for medication.
How bad is that? and i nearly fainted. cuz i was on the last lunch slot for morning shift, which is abt 2pm. imagine i only had apples for breakfast? gigglez.

Oh well. i was reading the magazine the other day.
and found out about this. "Skinny people with pot belly".
This is due to stress!! even though you don't eat alot, but you will still put on weight on ya belly!!
And it's super difficult to get rid. even with major exercising, it's here to stay!! haha.
whatever la. let it be. Diet-ing is horrible! needs determination. and self-discipline.

Work's been super duper busy. cannot stand it anymore.
it's driving all of us nuts and sick. yikes.

Love's been good. baby has been busy with his work. and im busy with mine.
We get to talk abit more these days, even though we meet up lesser.
im glad we do sms each other every now and then.

im proud of baby's room! it's well furnished. decorated. painted. and looking really nice!
with the computer on the bed. the shelves up for the books. bed re-arranged. carpet placed at the cosy corner. two fighting fishes. the big pomodoro for back-rest. waiting for the arrival of the new wardrobe.

wad about mine? i've yet to paint the room. the pails of paint still at baby's place. i've yet to go ikea and get stuffs to furnish the room. yet to find a nice and cheap wadrobe. hi-fi spoilt. tv blurrish. yet to get another set-up box for cable tv. new curtains to buy. if money permits, i wanna get a new bed frame. geeez. so MANY to buy. so LITTLE to spend.

Pls let me strike 4D tmr. i saw that same set of numbers 3 times. but at 3 different intervals.

in my past..

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