Dedicated to Sulin's mum: In loving memory. with love.

Life is short.
At this date and time today.
One family may be celebrating the birth of a young baby.
Another may be mourning over the death of a loved one.
It's true that life and death is a cycle.

Within a week, two of my friends lost their loved ones.

But with sulin's mother. i can feel the lost.
cuz i have been asking about her ever since i found out abt her condition.
and every time, sulin will reply me that her condition is getting worst.
but they never give up hope on her.
all of us wish for her recovery.

but today, cj dropped me a msg that she's gone.
im sure she's going to be an angel.
cuz she's always so nice, and smiley.
Will pay her my last respect tmr.

in my past..

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