Gone are the unhappiness and anger.
let's not talk abt it anymore.

Good news! registered for SIM. pending for their confirmation. will get to know in May.

Bad news! rejected the full time perm position offered to me.
cuz i wanna concentrate on my studies.
so im gonna be a POOR STUDENT.

been wanting to upload this GIANT HERSHEY's choco baby bought.
but lazy la. will do it soon.

bought paints for my room! but i dun tink i have the time to paint.
need to go IKEA to get new stuffs for the room.
unable to get any leave this march.
maybe april then i start doing up the room....

work is keeping me really busy! =)

in my past..

How was CNY this year?It went passed as a blur.CNY...
Happy birthday Daddy!!!Stay healthy and happy alwa...
A Simple Affair: Dinner @tapas, Clarke Quay..our 2...
My 21st Birthday... Aint this birthday cake pretty...
How to fit a Heineken Can into a Rubber Balloon? ...
opps. i realised i posted the wrong price for the ...
It's time for my birthday wishlist! ;)but this yr,...
It's really good to hear your voice saying my name...
im having a very very bad day at work.extremely ba...