How was CNY this year?

It went passed as a blur.

CNY Day 1: Visiting. and more Visiting. Godma's place for gathering.
CNY Day 2: Father's father place for gathering.
CNY Day 3: i forgot where i went and what i did.

and i din gamble at all!! cuz my cousins no longer come for all the gathering. they ended up at their bf/gf's place. so im left all alone.

Ang bao collection not that bad. but i've already spent part of the money. =x

i will be revamping my room soon! already gotten the colour catalogue for the paint. im excited.
and soon, i will buy a new cupboard as well.

went over to Tampines IKEA, f*cking HUGE. my gosh. free parking. and also 3 times bigger than the one at Alexandra. but they sell the same stuffs. oh well. damn far frm my place u know.
baby bought a rug, i bought a clock. wanted to buy mirror, but out of stock. oh well.

baby surprised me by planting a sakura plant for me!!! just a mini plant. he passed to me, and asked me to keep in my bag. and i smashed it. =x sigh. but i appreciate it!! i really do!

doctor's appt went well. dr. Chan said within this 3 mths, if nothing happens, he will get the green light to fly!! yay!! just got to take care of his health.

im planning to buy a car. on my own. and also i need to chip in for school fees altogether.
how huh. xian.

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