Happy birthday Daddy!!!
Stay healthy and happy always!!

Gong xi Fa Cai!
May the not so rich be richer.
May the no so healthy be healthier.
Have a great pig year ahead!!!
Plus, may all the 4D khakis kena 4D tonight!!!!! including myself, pls. =x

in my past..

A Simple Affair: Dinner @tapas, Clarke Quay..our 2...
My 21st Birthday... Aint this birthday cake pretty...
How to fit a Heineken Can into a Rubber Balloon? ...
opps. i realised i posted the wrong price for the ...
It's time for my birthday wishlist! ;)but this yr,...
It's really good to hear your voice saying my name...
im having a very very bad day at work.extremely ba...
immediately after work. got a call frm my sis.my a...
stupid menses.am having very bad cramps.must be al...
im so tired frm work.ans calls until i dun even re...