Love is so complicating.
I don't think i will ever understand.
I don't think i will want to get married.
Cuz being a dating couple is already not easy.
Imagine, when u are married to the person for the rest of your life.

We are currently experiencing very bad communication breakdown.
Yes i agree, we had our fair share of sweetness, happiness, lovey-dovey-ness.
But it's just not the same any more.
We cant even talk on the phone for more than 10mins.

Tempers flared. Vulgarities exchanged.
Nasty words flowed. Heart ached.
Whatever it is. I guess, after all the arguments and quarrels.
All the negative shit will sink in eventually.

Fear. Is how I feeel now.
When i asked u about sth, u said im paranoid. u said im "Testing" you.
hello, i dun have the time to plan a "test" for u every single minute while im on the phone with u.
Certain things, i asked out of CURIOUSITY and not PARANOID.
IF i am paranoid, i wont be giving u the freedom u are enjoying now.
IF i am TESTING u, long ago, u would have failed the test.
Please. i am not AS COMPLICATED as u think i am.
I cannot be independent and mature all the time.
I will also need to be treated and pampered like a princess.
For you to sweet-talk to me.
For you to coax me.
sigh. i dunno la.

in my past..

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