Wednesday, April 18, 2007 at 5:14 PM ♥ Sarahdee ♥

Dear ALL. Pls do show your suport to the above event. To purchase tickets, kindly drop me an sms, or a comment. I will contact you guys asap.
in my past..
Day 2:Breakfast - 1 red apple + 1 slice of peanut ...Sarah's DIET plan! My Goal: To lose 3 kg, and lose...
past 2-3 weeks was horrible.well, everything is no...
Love is so complicating.I don't think i will ever ...
As you can see, im bored to death at work. Let's h...
baby bought me the PINK mushroom cushion! =)it's s...
oh oh oh...i SAW JOANNA PHUA the other day at CINE...
i was given my 21st bday present from baby over th...
Dedicated to Sulin's mum: In loving memory. with l...
Your very last...Meal: Hotdogs for breakfastDrink:...