Monday, June 25, 2007 at 10:19 PM ♥ Sarahdee ♥
Nothing Much....
rec a msg that Ryl is also back from UK, and we shall plan to meet up soon.
Sheryl.S is coming back too. im sure there's many more frenz back for vacation.
it's catching up time! =)
went back to sch today for the enrollment shit. fucking boring. and i saw ezann lee.
class is starting on 5th july. sigh...
met a nice girl, geraldine. my first friend. while i was queueing up to get my enrollment file, she talked to me. then it was time to buy books, i din had enuff money with me, so she offered to lend me. i rejected and told her i will come by on friday to buy. she was so kind, asked me to follow her to the bookstore, she asked for 2 sets of books, and signed her credit card. i just knew her for less than 2hrs??? and she signed over $160 worth of bill for me. amazing right? she not scared that i run away! hahaa...well well. she is in the same class as me, so she said..."sarah, i will be sticking with you for project! and are u going for orientation? if you are not, im not going too."
haha...oppps. speechless. a new found friend indeed.
in my past..
A Saturday at work....The above is specially for message me last night and told me he loves me...
Office on a Friday.... Thanks to xin xin for the d...
OH SO RANDOM! First sms that i rec mum ...
i feel so sad today.i dunno why.mixed feelings.her...
Yes i know.. my picture plus the caption is a bit ...
Over at TPY....... WHile waiting for my breakfast ...
Finally! im blogging! haha. blogging on my new LG ...
i need a place to vent my anger. i was scolded and...
Take this test when ya bored! =)Create your own Fr...