07-07-2007 Rick & Cindy's Wedding...

at 7am sharp, the groom and brothers are here!!!

we locked all the doors and windows!!

started on the games...

cup noodles. looked harmless? 10 cut chilli padis soaked in the soup!

he's got the WORLD's biggest MOUTH! da kou 9!! fucking loud. fucking crude. fucking ego.

keeping the ang bao safely.....

Ricky on his knee, and asked for the bride.

Bernice and Ricky singing, and it touched our hearts.

Finally, the groom meets the bride.

At fullerton.

Bernice and me. she's super cute. super on the ball to take pictures!

IN the car..to EVERYWHERE.

Ah aw asked ricky to cover her arms!! see!!!

Me and the grooom.

aw and me =)

Shot 1

Shot 2

Shot 3

grand piano and me

the sisters and the bride

sisters in white.

brother in black + sisters in white.

back at seng kang!

ricky talking to cindy...hee. candid shot!

trying to act hush puppy

Bernice, the cutie.

happy family. ;)

aw holding bernice and my hand.

bernice sucking in her tummy!

bernice showing her big tummy!

the newly weds!

another candid. =) sweet and happy.
LooOoK out! THE MODELS are in the HOUSE!!

What's ah Ben pointing at? and why is cheng smiling so sweetly??

Cheng and her famous "Fan hair!". haha. faceless beauty.

It's time for the Dinner BANQUET!

sweet sweet loooove. hahaha.

the sisters at night.

the coooool MEN.

our receptionists for the night. =)

=) cindy and us

office ladies. Current and ex.

aw aw & me

sexy mama and me

sandria & me

Sweetest love la. they won.

another, sweet sweet love. hee. matt and cheng.

i miss my jillia-lia.

me and HOT HOT HOT mama

That was it for the wedding!! so many picturessssss!!!
It will be the start of the newly weds HONEYMOON tmr!!
Enjoy yourselves and have loads of fuN!
stay EN AI and Blissful always! love.

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