My Loved Ones:

little mini cupcake given by one uncle at work. yummy.

this is my ah-ma! and her famous "Thursday Yong Tau Fu Soup". =) delicious.

my dearest jasmine and her new PINKY DS Lite. she looked so engrossed.

she's sharing it with me! the mario game is fun!

in her own world.

in my own world. it's really exciting.

Coffeebean for a break. our feet were killing us.

Our pretty poses. =)

haha. with cookies, ultimate drink, and hp. so busy. eating & talking.

see her plaster?? poor girl. she bought a pretty heels in the end!

my last little toe has got blister too.

finally, a pic of us. =)

it was suppose to be an enjoyable and fun day on friday.
but it ended up, an extremely bad friday.
aint gonna go into details. things happened for a reason.

in my past..

the BRANDED GIRLS! im loving it. the brand, the ma...
A FUN-FILLED Tuesday at work! What does this orang...
Nothing sure the boys who've been thru ...
A Saturday at work....The above is specially for c...
baby message me last night and told me he loves me...
Office on a Friday.... Thanks to xin xin for the d...
OH SO RANDOM! First sms that i rec mum ...
i feel so sad today.i dunno why.mixed feelings.her...
Yes i know.. my picture plus the caption is a bit ...
Over at TPY....... WHile waiting for my breakfast ...