No pictures today. some reflections.

- im scared, school is starting on Thursday.
- it has been a rollercoaster ride of my emotions since friday
- i guess it's all part and parcel of life, to gain and lose the things you love most
- Life still has to go on. I'm thankful for the presence of my friends and family when i need them the most
- especially to cheng, jasmine, alan and marky. thank you for everything. u guys have been great to me. no matter what time i called, you guys are always there.
- im starting my exercise routine soon! i read somewhere that excerise allows you to release this "happy" hormones in your body. after sweating it out, u will be more cheery and happy!
- i guess i have to adapt to the constant changes around me. and take it in a more positive approach.
- i am so blessed to have good people around me. who cares for me. and loves me very much.

in my past..

My Loved Ones: little mini cupcake given by one un...
the BRANDED GIRLS! im loving it. the brand, the ma...
A FUN-FILLED Tuesday at work! What does this orang...
Nothing sure the boys who've been thru ...
A Saturday at work....The above is specially for c...
baby message me last night and told me he loves me...
Office on a Friday.... Thanks to xin xin for the d...
OH SO RANDOM! First sms that i rec mum ...
i feel so sad today.i dunno why.mixed feelings.her...
Yes i know.. my picture plus the caption is a bit ...