Mission: Buy Birthday Present for Xaria. 14 07 2007, Sat

Bus stop at Heeren. By alan & eric. for silk air. nice.

crazy and kiasu sporeans at taka's food fair.

baby brought me to kino & taka dept store to buy the blings blings for my digi cam and laptop.
super happy! =) he will stick it for me. cant wait!

while in the queue. bored.

trying to act MOTOR show girl. hee

suntec city convention hall. NDP rehersals.

gigglez. i kept taking picture of them to distract them with the flashes. they could only move their eye balls. but not their body. funny.

march and march and march

they are marching up the escalator. so funny right! marching towards the esplanade.

bought this for lydia. forgot to take a pic of xaria's present. we bought her a tent!!! kid's tent!

Childhood buddies. baby and sam......walking and talking......

suddenly, sam's hand went towards baby's butt!!!

then, sam held his waist!!! gigglez. i knew they had "something" going on. haha

then, baby's turn. his hand over sam's ass! hmmmmm

ahhh...this should be the way la!!! perfect. =)

"bumped" into doraemon! thought of wing...=)

fucking scary mannequin. yikes

sweets, sweets and more sweeeeeeets!!!

this hush puppy resembles me? especially the pair of doed-eyes.

Great day spent with baby! =))) nice weekends.

in my past..

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