Mount Faber: 27 07 2007
TOWN/St JAMES/ SUPPER: 28 07 2007
baby examined the sweet. he said it tasted like ERASER! u know..eraser???
see his disgusted face? haha..
see this white dress? baby bought it for me. =)
loved and pampered. thanks sweets.
haha. baby's fave torn jeans! haha. his granny always ask if he doesnt have the money to buy new jeans. hahahaha...
Sweeet Sweeeet Love, adapted from AH AW's blog. im a bit too late to join in for the competition. but.. but....i just want to post la! haha.
KHATIB's DENTAL/ Starbucks: 29 07 2007
yummy grape pocky! so ex. but nice.
just cannot imagine someone who dresses like me. acts like me. and have the same thing as i do!down to the small, nitty-gritty details that is. i hope she doesnt plan to find a bf who looks like mine! i hope she doesnt start buying clothes EXACTLY like mine, down to how many stitches on the piece of cloth! OMG. buy the same thing, nvm. but even ask if i put coins in my purse cuz she wants to do it too?? wtf. baby said im being a mean girl to be bothered by all these. but......NO I AM NOT. maybe i shld tell wad WOW said. TELL HER..."i put condom inside." see if she will still copy. fuck man. her smses are irritating the fuck out of me.
in my past..
My Coach is here!!! jasmine told me now the new se...DIE DIE today also must blog. because the date is ...
As i am typing this entry, im trying to digest my ...
13-07-2007, Friday: Work, Dim Sum Dollies, Clarke ...
Mission: Buy Birthday Present for Xaria. 14 07 20...
Happy 1st Birthday Xaria!!Sunday 15 07 2007Taken o...
Something very OFF had just happened.yucks. im so ...
Vivocity @08-07-2007 dinner at MOdesto's. Expensi...
07-07-2007 Rick & Cindy's Wedding... at 7am sharp,...
No pictures today. some reflections.- im scared, s...