im fucking tired today.
just got home not long ago.
on my laptop, and decided to do another page of my assignment. having a damn headache now. and it's killing me slowly and softly.

I finished 2 pages last night. and moving on to the 3rd page today.
i shall do it tmr morning. i promise.

anyway, i feel that it's kinda f*cked up, abt work.
i dun tink i can work this tues, and next mon.
I've got test on mon, and i need the day to study.
tues, i cant work, cuz got to finish one grp assignment by the end of the week.
i sms boss. but no reply. actually, i really have no time to work this mth.
it's full of TESTS and DEADLINES. im having 4 modules.
so tell me, how to work? sch decides to cancel one lecture on fri, and push it on to sat.
so instead of 3 days a week, i have 4 classes a week. each one 3hrs per day.
how shitty is that, to travel all the way to school, just for that.

i feel so "giap" in the middle. i dun mind working, but i really need flexibility.
if i cant turn up for work, means i cant. do u really want me to get AN MC?
im only a student, a poor student. still want me to pay for my MC just to skip work?
when i tell u before hand, u ignore. sigh. boss is really nice. i know.
i know he's "giap" in between also. =( im so troubled by it.

have been staying up late to do my research and studying for the assignment.
just went to library today to borrow books and photocopy notes.
damn loads of shit to do. haven enjoyed myself in a long time. as in, not having the assignment at the back of my mind.

=( im just a sad girl. weekend is spent on assignments. fuck fuck fuck.
i dun even have the time to study and make notes for tests.
just met baby and the boys for a drink today. and im back home. boo.
fuck sch, fuck work, fuck assignments.

in my past..

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