QUICK FIX MEAL!!! Porkchop Spaghetti!

- One can of chicken/mushroom campell soup. Add a full can of water. and cook to boil.
- Boil water, add salt and oil. Add your choice of pasta. Boil for about 13mins.
- Place minced meat in a bowl. Add soy sauce and pepper to taste. Add a tiny bit of cornflour to tenderise the meat
- Add abit of oil on a non stick pan. Pan fry the meat. till golden brown.
- Remove the pasta from the boiling water, and place it under running water.
- Transfer it to a deep plate. add the soup. Finish it by placing the porkchops on the pasta.
TA-DA! all done in less than 20mins! =) breakfast for me and my sister before school last a few days ago.
The assignment that i am about to finish is considered as a "RISKY" topic by my lecturer today. He commented saying that's the most difficult of the 6 topics given. excellent. fuck. i got no time to redo and rechoose for a new topic. like wad baby said, just do the best out of it and show him! he told me no one in the class approach him with that topic. holy shit.
im so sleepy now. had class at 930am today. going to slp and wake up for class again at 7pm. =(

in my past..

Cresentians Meeting: 2nd Aug 07 @ suntec NYDC. Mud...
Mount Faber: 27 07 2007 after class, went for dinn...
My Coach is here!!! jasmine told me now the new se...
DIE DIE today also must blog. because the date is ...
As i am typing this entry, im trying to digest my ...
13-07-2007, Friday: Work, Dim Sum Dollies, Clarke ...
Mission: Buy Birthday Present for Xaria. 14 07 20...
Happy 1st Birthday Xaria!!Sunday 15 07 2007Taken o...
Something very OFF had just happened.yucks. im so ...