Dinner at Riverside Point 11/8/07 : Indonesian Restaurant.

we were starving. and when the food came, i forgot to take pic! haha. here are the left overs....yummmy!

the BBQ platter....

a basket of prawn crackers!

a bucket of rice.....
eliz came for dinner!!! with us!

then, when we were about to leave, we saw FIREWORKS! at 9pm! cooool! damn chio. had a video taken. but i am still trying to figure out how to upload to blogger. will do it with the help of eliz soon, haha. stay tune!

oh, the thing in YELLOW is not light. it's a HUMAN, doing some acrobatic act, dressed in yellow. twisting and turning herself and her partner on the rope!

us, at FASHION bar.

the boys. frm left, alan, lenny, eric, baby.

my yucky cocktail. f.bar apple cooler.

eliz's mango margarita. and i used my tongue to tie a knot using the cherry stalk! haha

love the background to bits...

the two ladies are the MASCOTs for Fashion bar. hmm. their costumes abit dun match the bar name leh.

eliz ran to the guy and took a quick pic with him. hahaha...

then...ANOTHER FIRE WORKS!! at clarke quay! it was 11pm sharp. CHIO. nicer than the first one.

beautiful. watching fireworks for the first time with baby. and my good fren, eliz. pure bliss.

Had lunch with cheng jie jie today. then we went sch tgt. before that, saw a DEAD PIGEON FLATTENED on the floor. yikes!!!! kena dunno how many cars langa already loh. scary. then sat in the lecture frm 230pm onwards. freaking xian. finance is getting more and more difficult. i really catch no ball. need to revise my notes already...Tmr must start to do my assignment again. complete it before this week, so i can study for my test next week. mOnday still got grp proj meeting. urrrgh....and baby is back to work tmr. clearing his last few days at ritz. sigh. everyone has got their own shit in life. right?

in my past..

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