The Banana Tanktops!!!

nana gave me a surprise when i went back to work on tues! she did a tanktop, with a pic of cory and me!
sweeeeet right! so gan dong. thanks babe. and cece had hers, with the 3 kids! =) nice.

and my cheng jie jie had her super stylish pic on the tanktop! i love her pic here. damn chio! =)))

the above pictures are courtesy from the STYLISH lady's blog. i din had camera with me. so i had to STEAL from her blog. but i asked permission already! haha...

Had Prices and Market test on MOnday. High Distinction gone already, cuz more than 3 qns wrong. fucks. so tricky the mcqs.

Tues, back to work. glad to see the girls. love their company at work. without them, i hate to work. really.

Wednesday, headed back to sch for lecture. then went to meet baby and gang for dinner. yummy.

Thursday, im stuck at home today. suppose to do notes for upcoming tests in sept, and also, do some research on tutorials and projects. motivation leh. weather damn hot. xian. and tv got so many nice shows now. fucks.

Friday, lectures in the morning and evening. HATE IT!!!!!! basket. but Friday means Weekend is round the corner! yay!

btw, i finished the cooking mama game on DS. Alan was kind enuff to lend me his DS, and downloaded the game for me. im bored of that game already, cuz no more new recipe. haha. i cant wait for the weekends. gosh. sept and oct will be fucking busy. sigh..............

in my past..

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