awww...so special right? got 2 sarahs. like last time my mother took wedding pictures, all got double image one. haha. old school with a touch of modern taste. haha.

nana's turn! hers more modern than mine!
haha. our demure lady.
xin xin being wheeled out from the delivery room. =) xin ku ni le.
this is a super gan dong scene. uncle (xin's daddy) came into the room, rushed to his daughter's bedside, and held her hand so tightly. first thing he asked, "ni hai tong ma?" i was so touched. i could see xin xin like wanna tear already. and he held her hand so tightly, never once let her hand go. he's super sweet and nice. =) xin's mother is super sweet too. hee. =) family members support is really impt.

anyway, my dad is going for operation this coming Monday. i will be working, so i cant send him. will visit him after work. luckily my mum is on leave. she will be with him. just hope all goes well and smoooth. feel like taking half day. but abit last minute. xian. oh well.
in my past..
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