If your name is G****D*NE & studying at S*M..
this post is FOR YOU! BITCH!

how can u be a STUDENT, if u dunno when is the test dates, exam dates, deadlines, and what are the topics covered???
how can u be a STUDENT, if u skip class like nobody's business??
how can u be a STUDENT, if u keep sms-ing ME during the test periods, what to study, what does this means on pg47, what does this means on pg56.
BLAME ur fucking self that u never come to class all the time, and dunno anything!
whenever we do projects, u give the excuse that u need to bring ur grandma to radiation.
ONCE it's okay. TWICE we understand. THRICE we give in. NABEI! all the time u know!
when we give u UR SHARE of things to do, as per YOUR request, u fucking CUT AND PASTE and take it from only ONE SOURCE. HELLO! is this the way of researching our project???
fucking sway to be in the same project group as you!
whenever i ignore ur sms, cuz im too FED-uP, u will sms me and say "what are friends for, why are u not helping me at all?"
FUCK YOU! i can help u once, help u twice, but NOT EVERYTIME! i also need some PEACE to study, and not forever replying ur sms!!!
i really had enough of u! after this sem, i will try to fit into another group of friends!!!!! u stupid bitch! u are so not capable at all. so stupid. dun even know UR EXAM & TEST dateS!!! it's fucking on the webportal! dun u fucking check ur sch email???
still always fake and say "aiya, i know, i just want to DOUBLE CONFIRM." i had enough of ur nonsense!
skip finance classes like nobody's business. and when test day is here, u lied that u are having high fever, and cannot go for the test, and requested for a retest. OH PLS....
ALL i can say is I CONDEMN U!

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