Xmas Gathering at Xin's Place:
16/12/07 Sunday

finally saw ah aw. but is a moody and sickly aw.

steph mummy carrying bb luke. and xin mummy carrying bb javelle.

thanks YY for the xmas gift. Gift exchange..i gave cece hers at work yesterday!

i love this pic so much. keke. do i look like a qualified mummy? haha. baby luke with the MEGA big santa hat!

super adorable.

baby javelle has a special talent. i realised it after baby sitting her for half an hour. haha. she sleeps super fast. and wakes up super fast. and she loves to hear me sing twinkle twinkle little star. hahaha.

girls in WHITE.

my jillia-lia came so late!!! thanks for your cheeky present. keke. i love. hahahaahha

lying on the same "ti-lam" (mattress)

saying bye bye to baby luke.

banana is the full time nanny and godma. good job babe!

Pictures are courtesy from banana & xin's blog. i din use my cam the whole time. thanks girls for letting me steal ur pics. =)

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