i think i will fail SM.
so difficult.
am very tired from studying.
having bad cramps.

sigh. economy is bad.
unemployment rate is increasing.
graduates unable to secure jobs.
graduates unable to get the kind of pay that they suppose to get.
undergraduates like me have a bleak future.
issit a norm to send out 40 resumes and less than 5 companies arrange an interview with you?

how i wish i am a baby now...
cuz i wont have to worry so much.
just play, cry and sleep.

in my past..

Baby Javelle's 1st party!! the cake super duper ch...
ONE more paper to go.Strategic Management is kille...
last minute hug buddha's leg?but i started quite e...
www.gorgeous-bargains.blogspot.com -> updated!
i've deleted my friendster account.will only be us...
A Date with my beloved baby! dinner at white dog'...
Exams Notes writing:EG down.SM - 12 chaptersIF - m...
Happy birthday my baby dearest. ilu.
For my baby's 25th birthday.... i baked him little...
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