Tuesday, October 21, 2003 at 11:06 PM ♥ Sarahdee ♥
went tanning by the pool with darling today..mummy said i looked darker..yay..but aiya..darling can swim very well manz..giggLEz..aiyo..den coincidentally met my aunty at the pool...so went over to her hse to see my baby!! it's been so long since i last saw her..still so notti and cute! buay tahan..haha..den brought her down to the playground..at first when she saw darling, alwayz wanna cry cuz stranger mah..den after a while, she allowed darling to play with her..haha..cute..
darling came over after that..den tink weather's a little hot..so he wasnt really in his usual mood..hmm..*huGGieZ*
in my past..
juz woke up!!! *yaWnz* it's been real looooOg sinc...f*ck!!! wad a "swaY" day manz!!! waited for bac at...
aiyO! stuPid frieNdster!! takinG yeaRs to Load!!! ...
juz rched hme not long ago..went out with my darli...
aiyoYo! in sch now..lalaa..in the lab..my birthday...
haPPY biRthDaY daRLinG!!!! let me sing u a song:...
went to sch for 1/2 houR onLy...had to gif tcher f...
OooOoH mY sHooOOtZ!!! mY daRliNG is witH me NOW!! ...
in the computer lab now!!! got comm skills exam la...
sigh..trying to do my HFM reflection now..faintz.....