HAPPY FATHER's daY!! smiLEz..*i love u daddy*

bought my dad a fruit-tart..haha..sth special this yr..aint gonna write him a card..hee..

stupid mama..she's still "angry" with me..shitty woman..urrgh! bought her a pair of gloves from ikea..never even say "thank u"...urrgh! i told her, "aiya...u dun like den go wipe ya ass la" *so irritating!!!!!!!*

in my past..

How to make a Sarah Low Ingredients: 1 part pride ...
today is sucha bliss..=) baby, thanx for today! i ...
i've grown up. matured. im surprised by my own act...
my whole computer screwed up AGAIN!!! fuck..im dam...
collected my uniform! need to re-alter for the pan...
will be off for driving soon. den collecting the u...
will be off for driving soon. den collecting the u...
will be off for driving soon. den collecting the u...
BACK from chalet! smiLEz..so TIRED!! came home at ...
watched THe BEst Bet yesterday..haha..worth $6.50....