hahahahah. read someone's blog. it made me laff like mad. cuz i thot he was quite goot with picking up girls in a unique way. hahahaha.

oh well. that aside. my room is purple now!! quite pretty. BUT, i nid to change my stuffs to purple. i've got quite alot of pink & blue stuffs. haha. changing them to purple! and i wan to buy purple bedsheet! muahahah. shopping sooN!!

ive got tummyache now. sigh. oH! and i bought jay chou's autobiography!! it's all in chinese!! and i've got difficulty reading. nevertheless, im almost done with his book. sometimes, it takes certain interest to make someone do sth that she normally wont do. i WILL NOT read chinese books/newspaper, etc. cuz i tink it's too time-consuming. i will take a long while to finish a paragraph. i can read the words, it's just that i've to do it slowly. BUT BUT BUT, for JAY CHOU, i tried my best to read it even though i get irritated at times for reading too slowly. this book of his is worth buying. he talks abt his lovelife, his family, his music, and his goals in life. it's lovely. the chapter on his lovelife made me smile. i felt his pain when i read abt his first break-up. stash it.

in my past..

ate the flu tablet. but it's not making me feel an...
finished painting my sis's room. blue. our effort....
im seriously very tired. not only sleepy, weak as ...
sore throat. urrgh. uncomfy. anyway, i've a new ...
haha. someone questioned me if i live in MARS. hah...
"open the windows..open the.." 
i love this too.  
this looks pretty. i like.  
haha. alvin push my head! 
**long post** im back from KL. the wedding dinne...