STOP HARASSING ME AND MY SISTER, YOU FUCKER! if you dun wan to leave me alone, leave my sister ALONE DEN!

CURSE: may u get strike by lightening when ya walking on the road on rainy days. SHOULD u get strike on a hot sunny day, it's a "blessing" in disguise. at least ur CORPSE will not be DRIPPING WET. It will be best if you get strike at HOME or indoors, cuz you'll appear ON TV! and the ENTIRE NATION WILL NOE HOW FUCKING PATHETIC AND DISGUSTING YOU LOOK! AND if you're so damn fucking free before your DEATH comes, go and STARE into the FUCKING MIRROR TO PONDER WHY YOU LOOK SO FUCKING UGLY AND PERVERTIC.

Entry: ugly
Part of Speech: adjective
Definition: unattractive
animal, appalling, awful, bad-looking, beast, deformed, disfigured, dog, dogface, foul, frightful, grisly, gross, grotesque, grungy, haglike, hard-featured, hideous, homely, horrid, ill-favored, loathsome, misshapen, monstrous, pig, plain, plug, repelling, repugnant, repulsive, revolting, unbeautiful, uncomely, uninviting, unlovely, unprepossessing, unseemly, unsightly
Roget's New Millennium™ Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.1.1)Copyright © 2004 by Lexico Publishing Group, LLC. All rights reserved

the above helps me to summarise how you actually look. YUCKS. i'm fucking sure you have difficulty understanding the above. but do i care? i FUCK CARE! cuz all i bother is you to LEAVE US ALONE! YOU'RE FUCKING HOPELESS IN LIFE la. MORE HARASSMENT FROM YOU WILL LEAD TO MORE CURSE FROM ME. let me tell u this! NO-CLASS HARASSER!! (i cant even fit you into LOW-CLASS!!!)

p/s: i'm venting my anger here. the fucker is not that tech-savvy to be able to find my blog. I HOPE.

in my past..

charming tiny eyes. i looove. 
shuai dai le! diao. 
jay and his pink piano. 
concert pic. shuai! 
who is in the reflection? 
my babies.  
primary sch gathering was fun fun fun!!! haha. we ...
din buy any bag today. boo. i bought myself a very...
FINALLY, i changed my blogskin. how's the present ...
was searching thru a whole moutain of LETTERS writ...