primary sch gathering was fun fun fun!!! haha. we did lotsa "recalling games". daRn fun! i enjoyed myself even though i din had the appetite to eat anything at all. the guys outnumbered the girls. haha. andrew went thru drastic change. he's so goot-looking now!!! right huifang? haha. jia hao changed too. so man now!! haha. wahahaha. well, overall, it was a great opportunity for all of us to gather tgt and have lotsa fun. genghui gets all the credit! most of the boys are going to get enlisted soon. have fun guys. =) the next time we'll all see each other will be during one of our weddings. giggglezz.

work today was alright. i finished reading "The Make-up Girl". great book. finished in 2days. next up will be "P.S I Love You". meanwhile, i guess i will be busy reading lecture notes cuz sch's starting tmR!! now, i dun feel like going to sch anymore. sighhh. anyway, i saw a nice bag from POA. $96.00. only ONE. lalalalala.

in my past..

din buy any bag today. boo. i bought myself a very...
FINALLY, i changed my blogskin. how's the present ...
was searching thru a whole moutain of LETTERS writ...
all jay chou's female fans dream of marrying him. ...
hahahahah. read someone's blog. it made me laff li...
ate the flu tablet. but it's not making me feel an...
finished painting my sis's room. blue. our effort....
im seriously very tired. not only sleepy, weak as ...
sore throat. urrgh. uncomfy. anyway, i've a new ...
haha. someone questioned me if i live in MARS. hah...