im f-ing tired and slpy. my back is still aching. i cried buckets earlier on becuz i argued with mummy! urrgh. so angry. im still angry until now. my sister has got all the attention from them, and not me. so i feel like a "nobody's child". i know im old enuff to understand that my sister is now their priority becuz she's not feeling well. BUT, i oso want attention from them!!

**see. i told you i NEED ATTENTION.**

spent a short while with baby today at his place. i miss the getaway. i wanna be lying with him on the couch, watching DVDs the whole day. he'll make me food when im angry, feed me with muchies when my mouth is "itchy", hugs me closely when i complain that im scared of the scene, strokes my hair when i feel grouchy & bored and kisses me when i pout my lips. i love my baby.

in my past..

im finally free to upload some pictures to my blog...
the messy me. with the charming him. love. 
baby was blinded by the camera's multiple flashes!! 
Valentine's Day 2006. Princess Sarah's Birthday. 
baby decorated the melted cake. so princessy. i lo...
me & gid chair chair. alleybar. 
alice jie jie & me. =) 
dinner at Ritz chinese restaurant last night was g...
i realised that only after i changed my blogskin t...
SO ANGRY!! i just typed one whole chunk and ALL GO...