COUNT DOWN: 10 more days and baby will leaving for jakarta. =(

i am so moody. i had a funny dream last night. gigglez.
i dreamt that i was at baby's place. den he wasnt ard.
so i caught a glimpse of sth on the stool.
a photo album, with a pen & paper on top.
then i din go and see la.
but i was already smiling to myself.
cuz i ASSUMED that is my 1st yr anni gift. thick skinned.

subsequently, i had a nightmare.
being chased by a group of pple, at the car park.
i leapt into the car. but no key.
sai. super scary loh.

iris's wedding tonight.
we're all dressed up! =)
but im not feeling well la..
stomach pain.
before i slept last night, i LS again...

baby went fishing last night again.
madness. i miss him.

in my past..

feel like shit today. 4th call in the morning. cus...
Life has been good.3 days leave have been approved...
Our Department Chalet: 28/10/2006 (somewhere in Pa...
was at baby's last night.went to work feeling so m...
i did the craziest thing today. went to work. dres...

i did the most RA thing at work today. wait till m...
baby had a talk with his dad last night.uncle stan...
dinner at my aunt's place later. after work still ...
i miss sch, miss the girls, miss the food. Happy ...