Our little "pebble". doesnt she looks like the baby daughter of Flinstone?

Cheng jie jie & me!

Me & my nana...

Iris & Yew Kok, congratulations!

Bizhelp desk pretty girls!

Was learning magic tricks from my Shi-fu while chilling out. haha. & cheng jie jie's bf, ben is posing for the pic! haha.
Apparently, daniel lives ard my area last time. and he studied the same pri sch as me too!
my SENIOR. haha. all of us, sharing a cab home. Lucky him, picked up $10!!!
thanks for the cab ride!!
**All the above pictures, courtesy of my nana. cus i din bring my cam. and i STOLE it from her blog. did not ask for permission. =x **

in my past..

COUNT DOWN: 10 more days and baby will leaving for...
feel like shit today. 4th call in the morning. cus...
Life has been good.3 days leave have been approved...
Our Department Chalet: 28/10/2006 (somewhere in Pa...
was at baby's last night.went to work feeling so m...
i did the craziest thing today. went to work. dres...

i did the most RA thing at work today. wait till m...
baby had a talk with his dad last night.uncle stan...
dinner at my aunt's place later. after work still ...