WORD BLOG again.
i haven had the mood to do a PICTURE entry anymore.
everyday is revolving around school, lectures, projects, tests.
just managed to squeeze 4hours today, to complete reading the entire book, CHINESE CINDERELLA, by Adeline Yen Mah. it's a fucking good book. super touching. i teared abit while reading through her experience of being abused, being casted out as the unwanted child at home, denying her of freedom, rights, and even a home. super pooor thing. i cant wait to read FALLING LEAVES. it's a non-fiction book.
just a few mins ago, i had this pri sch friend, YJ, who found me on facebook. and confessed to me that he used to like me since P2 all the way to Sec 1. he transferred school when he was P5, i think. but he is happy for me now, after seeing the facebook pic of me and baby. he said " i am happy for u that u found a good bf." to me, i found back a friend.

in my past..

KUDOS to ELIZ YEO!!!! Her hair went from this LOO...
Ho ho ho. what i am doing here at this hour when i...
STRIP - Ministry of Waxinghey...more..New to Strip...
i pray for my best jiemei, jasmine, to be well.to ...
Happy Birthday daddy. these pictures were taken on...
i am taking a breather here, from the piles of LM ...
JI Meet up! (a quick lunch)Shokudo Japanese Food B...
What a pleasant surprise!!! the two secretive ma...
14th Feb: The Princess's 22nd Birthday!!! went to ...
Happy Valentine's Day to Everyone! Happy Birthday ...