JI Meet up! (a quick lunch)
Shokudo Japanese Food Bazaar, Raffles City, #B1-44E

alvin and his yummy jap curry!

sammy with his tempura udon.

gen and her beef udon.

i had teppanyaki, yummy BBQ sticks, saba fish, etc. this restaurant is marche style, very affordable. nice. i like. and have a variety of yummy jap food. =)

it's NEOPRINT time!! a tradition for the 4 of us. while sammy was away changing $1 coins..

we cam whore! haha.

i dunno why this neoprint machine got this thing like iGallop loh. so sexual! haha.

and suddenly, gen came from behind and hug me. hahahaha.

sammy and the GOLD COINS!

look at gen! she is trying to straighten her fringe!! so funnY!

look at me and my nose hair! hahaha. so unglam.

i love this particular print so much!

sammy and his belated bday present, braun buffel wallet. hope he likes it.

and i am opening my present!!

yay! it's the HOT PINK adidas "candy colour series". chio!

i love!!! haha. very sarah again! thanks alvin for organising the meet up and also for shopping the presents for all of us. thanks. love.

sorry that i cant make it this sunday cuz there's too many proj and tests for me. will see u guys soon.

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