CNY pictures OVERLOADED!!!!!
6th Feb: Reunion Dinner at ah ma's house

my cousin with her super chio hair. i like.

with ah ma and ah gong. minus 2 grandchildren not ard that day...

After dinner.....
(din manage to take any pics, cuz busy snatching food from the steamboat la.)

aunty #2 preparing CNY goodies...

indulge in beer and bah kwa. after that, went prawning with baby till 4am!!!! shaggged..
7th Feb: CNY Day #1

woke up at abt 9am. bathed, make up, blow hair..up to ah ma's house to BAI NIAN.

i used the fake lashes cheng introduced to me last time. damn soft and good. love it!!

my sister's pretty tube.

the LOW sisters. our face dun look like right? we went mani&pedi the day before, and the ladies said we TOTALLY dun look like siblings. hahaha. and i looked par jiao in this pic.

she's super proud of her nails.

my chio chio mama. the dress i bought for her one. makes her look young!

at my godma's place. effort hor..

my nephew no. 2. his name is cohen.

din manage to catch a show at AMK hub, so called jas, and meet up!!!

long story short. i nearly kena summon for illegal parking at the prata place. near st george. neh neh. anyway, luckily baby asked me to stop eating and drive away. woahaha. been to 5 places on one day. TIRED..went home to rest after that.

8th Feb: CNY Day 2

on the way to relative house...

this is not the house. nor the room. this is the ATTIC!!! it's a secret pathway in the master bedroom. super big and spacious. but no window.

this house is designed by the owners of this house, a couple in their early 30s. my dream house leh.

open concept kitchen.

re-use the gate to make into table. IDEA.

my dad has 9 siblings. this is his youngest sis. no. #5 in line. my dad is no. #4.

this is my godma on the right. she is no.#2 in line. my dad's eldest sis.

on the left is aunty alice. she is no.#3 in line, my dad's 2nd elder sis.

our young cousin, justin. my dad's side, the cousin's age gap very big. range from the oldest, late 30s, to the youngest, 4 months old. haha. im in the middle..

lion dance in the next unit. we had free show from my grand-dad's unit. woahah. ngee ann alumni. performance not nice. nam sien is still the best, high standard. saw their performance at chinatown, during the Channel 8 CNY eve programme rehersal. good job.

Old random pics.

my aunty no. #2 brought me to vivo on the eve of the CNY eve. we had yummy authentic jap food. nice.
i caught P.S I LOVE YOU. damn nice show. no one left the theatre with dry eyes. every single soul were sobbing in the theatre and thereafter, when the lights came on, u can see the guys quickly using tissue to blow their mucus and the girls just wipe their tears. after the show, it felt like u've just attended a funeral. the feeling is super duper sad. really. i rate it 10/10. worth watching on PH, or weekends.
and again, we went prawning yest with my cousin. we caught a big bag of prawns. and baby cooked them in tomato sauce. came up to 2 big plates. i eat until wanna vomit. hahaha.
today, i attended my god-niece first month dinner at SRC. nice. she's a very happy baby. will upload the pics soon.
did not gamble at all during CNY. boring isnt it? i tink so too. anyway, tmr marks the start of school, and projects piling up. fuckerooos. i hate schoooooooool.
valentine's day and birthday coming up! on thursday!!! I AM SO EXCITED! not cuz of any celebration of whatsoever. but because i haven buy baby's vday present yet!! and i dun tink i got time to do any sweet stuffs this yr. i've got proj meetings almost everyday. i know what to buy, but i dunno if i have the time to go buy it. and as for my wishlist this yr. no celebration, so no need for any wishlist la. btw, i am so touched, my uni frenz are gonna have a mini bday celebration for me on the 13th, cuz 14th no school. so sweet of them.

and baby, if u are reading this. DO NOT waste money and buy any flowers ok. u can give me on any other days, dun have to be on vday. cuz the prices are jacked up 4 times the usual price. we can spend the money on a good dinner. =) i dun mind if u draw me a flower! i would love that! p.s. i love you. ;)

in my past..

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