so many blogs that i read, all about edison chen and gillian chung's intimate pictures.
i would really want to post them here.
but i cant. cuz i know my little sister is reading this blog. and many other underaged kids, since this is a public blog. anyhow, i must say, i pity the female celebs featured in these pictures.
wing told me they were taken about 5-7yrs ago. so it's not a recent pic of theirs.
and i heard edison chen lost his virginity at the age of 13. how gross is that? plus he admitted this to the media.
i mean, YES! they are juicy news, juicy pictures that everyone wanna see and hear.
BUT! can u imagine the mental and emotional torture the ladies are facing?
other than gillian, there are pics of cecilia cheung and bobo chan.
oh well. i tink edison took them for his own keepsake because the pictures all showed that he is looking at the camera directly. and now, all these have been circulating all over the internet.
whose fault is it? edison? or the hacker?

in my past..

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