Prawning at Bishan on Friday night...
both of us had very tough luck last night. 3hrs for 5 pathetic tiny prawns. wtf. maybe cuz i was super duper sick, and so, i din really concentrate on prawning. baby did a good job!! he caught 3 of them! =)
winnie and joelle having tough luck at first. but in the last hour, they caught so many more!! it's fun!! i wanna go prawning when im well.
the disgusting baits. and we used other pple's LIVE bait!!!
Thursday, MY LAST day at BHD.
toilet. why i took a pic of us in the toilet?
Yet another HOT MAMA! of 4 kids! one on the way!! she's very easy-going and always willing to help! thanks cece for all that u have helped me at work.
lenny is very nice too. always willing to help and change shift whenever he can. =)
jyo. she is always asking me about my "in-laws" & sai- baba. our common topic.
carol. another very nice girl. i hope she will be happy always!!!
the princess of our dept! more princess than me ok! her desk is full of pinky stuffs!!
finally show his true face!! haha.
Thanks BHD for everything. to the girls, we will definitely meet up at the many ocassions. i will miss u girls. and to jane, thanks for the gift and the little word of encouragement! and guess what, i never tear on my last day cuz i know i will have many more opportunities to see them and catch up! LOVE LOVE LOVE!
then dinner at night with gidania chair chair, sheryl.S & jane.K. =)
thanks chair. i enjoyed catching up and shopping tgt. more to come!! love. too bad gen couldnt join us due to last min meeting. we shall meet up soon!
lastly, i've placed the "card" in my school file. so i can see everyday!! and the lamp is so chio in my room, yellow light shine against the red wall.. woahaha. nice.
ANd i am nursing a very bad cold, cough and sorethroat since Friday morning. i hope i will get well soon. i cant smell and taste. and i feel my mouth stinks so badly cuz i am HEATY. u know what i mean? that's why i dun dare to kiss my baby. =(
in my past..
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