sailormoon cards!! i tink i spent most of my primary school allowance on them.
potato and pork fried. from baby's mama. nice.
ta da! the first layer of paint!
see the clock? it's nearly 3.50 AM!!! we were still painting. started from 10pm till abt 5am, and continued the next day........it was fun painting tgt. when i became kinda stoned, baby came and disturb me. HOW? by painting my hand!!!!! haha. and i painted his too! so fun! nice BONDING session baby! ;)

i'll need to thank my rockstar baby for helping me out!!! without him, i would not have done it on my own. the paint was given by his cousin nearly 2 yrs ago. UNTIL NOW! then i've decided to get my ass moving, and repaint and revamp my room. this pic of his was taken by louis about a year back. nice ah. =) haha. i like. he liked it too. anyway, both baby and me had backaches, neckaches, feetaches, and every where ache la. wah lao. din remember painting a room was that tiring. my god. and i kinda threw my temper at baby on sunday morning. sorry baby! went ikea, and guess what? their computer system for cashiering srewed up! and no transactions to be done at all!!! so everyone was left their stuffs at the cashier. and us, we went achorpoint for a good dinner. my treat! =) so next week will be refurbishing the room, and going to tampines ikea!! yay!!! so many things to buy!!! curtains, mirror, whiteboard, table, mat, chair, waredrobe, etc......THanks baby, once again, for being so patient. love you!!
in my past..
Some words from me to you: (enough of my cooking p...Cook Dinner #3: Simple Fare: 9/1/08 stir fry pork...
6/1/08: Sunday Brunch @ Dragon Phoenix Restaurant ...
Baby's Grandma's Bday! @ 5/1/08 while waiting for ...
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Sarahdee, the Chef tonight. @4/1/08heard mum sayin...
G7 Dinner: 3/1/08 haha, i love this pic. both so ...
i have my jay chou tickets already!!!!! Thanks Hyn...