Some words from me to you: (enough of my cooking pictures!)

*dear sister, i feel i have "bonded" with you alot during those few days when i was at home cooking, and u came back from school early just to help me. i enjoyed cooking tgt, and you, being my assistant. one shout, and u will come running to the kitchen to help me wash the bowls, beat the eggs or even fry the veggie. this is a special experience that we share. no wonder they always say, u will get closer to ur sibling as you grow older. i agree. hope u will stop being a bitch sometimes and always be an angel in disguise. haha. love love.

*dear ah ma, i am happy and honoured to have cook for you for the past 3 days. seeing you enjoying the food i cooked, and full of praises, makes me really really happy. now i know when u are always angry in the past, when we dun come home for dinner. cuz u were upset that ur food had gone to waste and that u did not like us to eat takeaways from hawker. similarly now, i care for your health and dont want you to eat unhealthy food. if possible, i will try to cook for as many days that i can.

*dear ah gong, i can see u have been really nice, patient and sweet to ah ma after she's fallen ill. it's very heartwarming to see u so gentle to her, fetch her water, and get her chair to sit down. am glad the both of you are so loving. =)

*dear mummy and daddy. i know it's tough for the both of you to always rush home and buy takeaways for ah ma and ah gong. and daddy even tried to cook after work on a few occasions and got really tired after that. love is unconditional, esp for our loved ones. i salute u guys for that! love.

*dear jasmine sis, i know life has been "sway" for you these couple of weeks. haven really talked to you on what actually happened. but i know u must be feeling shitty abt it, and still have to fly here and there all the time. just wanna let you know that i am still here, if u need to talk or gossip anytime ok. hugs. i know it's tough to be a FLY GIRL. but just bear with it. it's gonna be over soon ok? be assured u can rely on me anytime, like how i know i can rely on you. love.

*dear geok, i hope u have gotten over HER and moved on. maybe u guys are just not meant to be. u can find someone better ok? i will stand in as ur part-time lover as of now. hahaha.

*dear BHD girls. there's a long list to name. end of jan will be my last day. i really enjoyed being with you girls. every single one of you is my motivation to go work. not even the money. it's the company. if not why i still take mc right. haha. those who have left BHD, u girls know who u are. glad to have known too. though we dun work tgt anymore, but it's good we still keep in contact. anyway, i MAY still come back during holiday, if there is still VACANCY for HIVR or to clear volumes. haha. whatever it is, i am glad to know u girls. and am honoured to be your friend, not colleague. i am so happy to attend weddings, seeing you girls go thru pregnancy, and give birth to little babies, etc. thank you for looking after me, this xiao mei. must miss me and my blurness ok. -bows-

*dear xt, wing, tiffy, tao and eliz. though we seldom meet, but i am sure we have each other in our hearts. for any case or reason, i am sure we still care abt each other. love.

*dear sheryl, gid and alice. i am sorry that we often plan to meet up, but in the end, the plan just doesnt happen. esp towards sheryl, i will try to see u soon, while u are still ard in spore ok? u girls still mean alot to me. =)

*dear sammy, alvin & gen. i am really happy we can maintain our friendship built during first 3 mths in JI. it's not easy. am grateful that alvin does the initiating most of the time to organise meetings. even though we always meet up for short dinner, but it's nice to see each other, often after a long long time. =)

*dear lahling jazzy. just wanna let you know i care. and may good health and good wealth be with you and ur family. =)

*dear shalyn. pls dun be overly gan cheong spider ok. our group will do just fine. i hope. stay calm and let's work hard tgt for this sem!

*dear baby. i know there's alot going thru ur mind right now. and there's nothing i can do to make u feel better. just hope things will go well and be back on track for you soon. be positive. when there is a will, there is a way. take things a little at a time. i have faith in you. remember baby. i am happy to love and be loved by you. 2008 will be a good year, for you, for me, and for everyone else!

To the rest of my blog readers. i may or may not know you. i may like or dislike you. whatever it is. u read my blog to know what is happening in my life. interesting? nope, unlike those hot bloggers. mine is a plain, boring blog. but it has followed me through the yearss, since 2002. looking through the oldest posts makes me laugh, and tear at the same time. do not assume as if you are my best friend, and act as if u know me very well and know what is happening in my life just by reading my blog entries. because that itself does not make u my BEST FRIEND. ok? and those who are my genuine loyal readers, i thank you for taking out time to browse my blog. really appreciate it.

in my past..

Cook Dinner #3: Simple Fare: 9/1/08 stir fry pork...
6/1/08: Sunday Brunch @ Dragon Phoenix Restaurant ...
Baby's Grandma's Bday! @ 5/1/08 while waiting for ...
Nerd or Psychopathtic? the model here does not wis...
Sarahdee, the Chef tonight. @4/1/08heard mum sayin...
G7 Dinner: 3/1/08 haha, i love this pic. both so ...
i have my jay chou tickets already!!!!! Thanks Hyn...
01/01/08: Meet up with Alvin, Gen & Sammy so touch...