Sarahdee, the Chef tonight. @4/1/08

heard mum saying that tonight must buy dinner again. so i thought, everyone must be sick and tired of eating out already. since im on mc today, i can cook loh. yes, i am having very bad cramps, but at the comfort of my house, i can still take my time to cook. so i left at 1pm, to NTUC, to get the ingredients. total: $30.

start with cooking soup. bought so much ribs and bones to make the soup sweeet. had to boil them and throw away the first batch of dirty water. cuz of all the blood and germs from the bones...

start to slice the chicken thighs.

busy preparing. forgot to take a pic. my first dish. stir-fry beef with onions and capsicums.

my ABC soup. carrot, potato, onions, tomatoes, ribs. simmer for 3 hrs. tasty. no MSG. just a small pinch of salt to taste.

a very very pretty tomato. with the stalk still intact. this picture is for baby! POMODORO for you. ;)

cutting up the veg. fucking sharp knife from SAFFRON days in poly. NB. i wash that time, accidentally "slice" through my finger. super painful and stinging.

ready! cai sim, mushrooms and tomatoes. slice up all the ingredients first.

while the yummy soup is boiling....

now. i peeled the prawns already. soaked in salt water.

time to start cooking. COOOKING mama! Prawn egg. nice.

stir fry cai sim with mushroom with oyster sauce.

in the progress of cooking stir-fry chicken slices with black soya sauce & seaseme oil.

it's ready! yummy.

while i am typing this. i have no more dinner to eat. cuz it's super yummy. and everyone ate finish. daddy, mummy, sister, ah ma, ah gong and cousin. and i haven eat. aiya. i may be TAM JIA. and i really love to eat what i cooked. but they eat and feel happy, that's good enough. time for maggie mee. ;)

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