Friday, January 04, 2008 at 7:06 PM ♥ Sarahdee ♥
Sarahdee, the Chef tonight. @4/1/08
heard mum saying that tonight must buy dinner again. so i thought, everyone must be sick and tired of eating out already. since im on mc today, i can cook loh. yes, i am having very bad cramps, but at the comfort of my house, i can still take my time to cook. so i left at 1pm, to NTUC, to get the ingredients. total: $30.
start to slice the chicken thighs.
ready! cai sim, mushrooms and tomatoes. slice up all the ingredients first.
stir fry cai sim with mushroom with oyster sauce.
while i am typing this. i have no more dinner to eat. cuz it's super yummy. and everyone ate finish. daddy, mummy, sister, ah ma, ah gong and cousin. and i haven eat. aiya. i may be TAM JIA. and i really love to eat what i cooked. but they eat and feel happy, that's good enough. time for maggie mee. ;)
in my past..
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