Wednesday, January 02, 2008 at 9:30 PM ♥ Sarahdee ♥
New Year's Eve: 31/12/07
15 years friendship and still going strong. though we seldom meet. but we know that deep down in our heart, we want each other to be well. sometimes a sms from u makes me smile! hugs.
my boring shirley temple. at crazy elephant. while waiting to count down to 2008!!!
THEN....count down to 2008 with super pretty fireworks!!!!! impressive!
in my past..
Here is a Toast to the end of 2007, and Cheers to ...JB road Trip: 29/12 & 30/12 went to this trendy re...
a dinner date with Geok: 26/12/07 my fave, thai ex...
i am not happy.and i am very long more c...
24th DEC: Barnsburry Restaurant service damn slow....
LOW's family gathering on 22 Dec, Sat. Godma's hou...
Bumped into Daniel on Friday night.and Leigh on Su...
PARKING PONTIANAK********************** i dunno wh...
Break Time @ WORK! manicure session. PROFESSIONAL ...
Thursday: 20/12/07Grandma's Advanced Bday Celebrat...