Monday, December 31, 2007 at 2:43 PM ♥ Sarahdee ♥
Here is a Toast to the end of 2007, and Cheers to the start of 2008!

Let's summarise 2007:
- started school in july, made new friends and FOE. shalyn is my only uni good friend. haha. the rest, i dun wanna mention, esp G****d*ne
- work has been usual. kena F* by customers daily. the girls are the ones who make me want to go work everyday
- family has been alright. apart from ah ma falling sick. and ah gong nearly got another heart attack earlier this year. all has been fine. they are healthier and getting happier again. good good.
- Love life. ups and downs. went through another windwhirl year together. i am happy that we can still hold on together, it takes lots of patience, understanding and alot of other elements right baby? i love you still. =)
- and for my friends. i've been busy with school and work. i hope u guys understand. if time permits and the arrangement is okay, i will surely turn up!!!
- i've learnt alot in this year also. there are many kinds of people in this world. and i guess, ive met a couple of extreme DICKHEAD people, and i am happy they are not impt people in my life. just miscellaneous. i am being kind to them because i give my fren FACE ok. i mean, u need to at least respect each other even if u dislike them. but i guess, i have been too nice. time to be a bitch!
- ALL in ALL, a good year. 2008 will be better!
Resolutions for 2008:
- learn to be more patient, less bad temper, more understanding, less vulgar, less anger, more love to give
- to be a good student and put in more effort, dun wanna waste my parents' money
- not be a spendthrift. try to save money
- go BKK!!! with the people i love of course. or go anywhere la. i dun mind actually. it's the companY!
- love my family more. spend more time with ah ma & ah gong.
- actually i dunno what new resolutions i have, cuz i cant seem to keep up with these resolutions.
- i guess just fuck it and let nature take it's course. because while i am typing this. i am feeling angry again. it's my job.
Lastly, HAPPY NEW YEAR all my loved ones. Have a great 2008! with lots of love.
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