Thursday, December 20, 2007 at 11:05 PM ♥ Sarahdee ♥
Thursday: 20/12/07
Grandma's Advanced Bday Celebration!!
"catering" service by FK Enterprise. haha. my father's initial la. he's the great chef behind the food preparation today. kudos.
"shou tao". eat "heng heng".
my dad's speciality, "pork rib bee hoon". not the normal stir-fry kind. it's the hor fun kind.
deep-fried stuffs. done by ME! had to help my daddy out. fried till my whole house smell like OIL.
decided to help my dad out again. my speciality, "spaghetti"!!!! shiok. the kids finished it.
fish and chicken congee by my dad. it's super smoooth. like crystal jade kind.
our little photographer of the day. Lydia baby. see her plate of spaghetti. she loved it!
my uncle's speciality, "pan fried salmon with beansprouts".

nice flowers. bought for my ah ma. she loves flowers very much.
cheap and nice. from florist at spore shopping centre.
i was reading "i zhou kan", baby was reading 8days. and we chanced upon the same page.
super delicious mango cake.
waiting impatiently for ah ma to cut cake.
while waiting, my cousin, JH, decided to ROLL HIS EYES. he can compete with Eugene!! haha.
family sing bday song for ah ma!

the loving couple having a picture taken.
see my ah gong so sweet. placed his hands over my ah ma's shoulder.

taken by lydia. haha.
i begged him to do it again. close up. haha. i paid him 10cents for doing it ok! REWARD. haha

i copied baby's pattern. haha. act cool...
candid pic. taken by me. resembles the above pic.
sister and i.
lynette begging baby to open the sweet box for her.

see my ah ma, so skinny now.
my daughter. she calls me "sarah mummy" since young till now. i bought a skirt each for both her and lynette. they loved it.
see my cousin's leg on the left. so hairy!!! taken by lydia also. haha
yes, again. by lydia.
lydia's tee shirt. very furry one u know. Hope my AH-MA enjoyed this bday celebration we prepared for her. May she be healthy and happy always. get well soon ah ma. "wa lang ai lu", we love you. hugs.
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