a dinner date with Geok: 26/12/07

my fave, thai express. nowadays, stomach weak. so dun dare to eat tom yam so often. but that day, super craving!!!

pose #1.

pose #2. taken herself. siao. while i went to pay for my moisturiser, she used my cam to take pics.

my turn. pose #1.

pose #2.

my first xmas present from her. since sec 3 until now ok! first xmas present loh. bo sim.

wrap till so ugly some more. till now, i haven open the present yet. but i already know what's inside. keke.

from me to her. chio hor. i love.

once i saw her this expression. i scolded her upside down. machiam dun like the present. not even shocked. more like "urrrghhhhh". neh neh.

i forced her to take a picture with the pen, and looked very happy!

thanks banana for the lovely pink feather chain. the little pink handbag chain is from winnie. and cheng made one very princessy SARAH chain for me too. but i dunno where to hangggg. still thinking of a nice place to hang! thanks girls. my chio chio 2008 diary. love.

going for a mini getaway tmr. i hope it's gonna be fun. pray that i come back in ONE piece. safe and sound. in the meantime, i'll be missing my family and friends and the girls. feel so emo now. i love my mama, papa, sister, ah ma, ah gong and all my aunties. boo hoo.

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