Saturday, December 29, 2007 at 12:44 AM ♥ Sarahdee ♥
a dinner date with Geok: 26/12/07
once i saw her this expression. i scolded her upside down. machiam dun like the present. not even shocked. more like "urrrghhhhh". neh neh.
going for a mini getaway tmr. i hope it's gonna be fun. pray that i come back in ONE piece. safe and sound. in the meantime, i'll be missing my family and friends and the girls. feel so emo now. i love my mama, papa, sister, ah ma, ah gong and all my aunties. boo hoo.
in my past..
i am not happy.and i am very long more c...24th DEC: Barnsburry Restaurant service damn slow....
LOW's family gathering on 22 Dec, Sat. Godma's hou...
Bumped into Daniel on Friday night.and Leigh on Su...
PARKING PONTIANAK********************** i dunno wh...
Break Time @ WORK! manicure session. PROFESSIONAL ...
Thursday: 20/12/07Grandma's Advanced Bday Celebrat...
19/12/07 Wednesday Night Dinner @ Redhill Market s...
AND!!!!!!! my sis passed her Nlevels with flying c...
Xmas Gathering at Xin's Place: 16/12/07 Sunday fin...