24th DEC: Barnsburry Restaurant

service damn slow. waited nearly 2hrs for our food.....

baby and i were late. and his food came first. he felt so guilty! his action showed he wants to move and sit alone.

feeling very guilty. dun dare to start first. haha..bolognaise and oxtail stew+mashed. shiok.

beef goulash + mashed = not nice

spring chicken + ribs = yummy

i love this pic.

next stop. BLU JAZZ.

im looking tired already.

gen and me!

super delicious zing wings!

the new couple.

girls of the night.

alan looks like he is burning baby's jeans.

our 2nd christmas. 2006, 2007.

he and his comical actions. haha. i had to make ugly face to "pei he". and baby...haha. never make funny face!


gen and me. we were practically cam-whoring the entire night!

yes, they have the same kinda belts!

gen loves the candy canes we bought for all of them! yummy!

how can i not take a pic with candy cane?? christmas leh!

showing his card tricks again. this time ard, not to any other girls, but HIS girl.

so happy. so radiant now huh, alan!

baby is scared of my cam's bright flash!

face getting oily...

after everyone left. me, gen and baby took a cab to cathay. wanted to catch I AM LEGEND. but end up, kena sprayed foam while on the way to PS, cuz cathay no tix!!! they sprayed on my agnes b necklace, my face, and my gucci bag!!!! NB!!! FOAM LEH! SMELLY LOH!!! anyway, a pic right in front of PS!

me and baby. chio chio pic. i am in my fave dress, fave heels and fave wrislet. together with my fave man!

in my past..

LOW's family gathering on 22 Dec, Sat. Godma's hou...
Bumped into Daniel on Friday night.and Leigh on Su...
PARKING PONTIANAK********************** i dunno wh...
Break Time @ WORK! manicure session. PROFESSIONAL ...
Thursday: 20/12/07Grandma's Advanced Bday Celebrat...
19/12/07 Wednesday Night Dinner @ Redhill Market s...
AND!!!!!!! my sis passed her Nlevels with flying c...
Xmas Gathering at Xin's Place: 16/12/07 Sunday fin...
Pictures OVERLOADED! see so many presents in my ro...
oh god. i have been really tired these days. I dun...