Wednesday, January 09, 2008 at 6:38 PM ♥ Sarahdee ♥
Cook Dinner #3: Simple Fare: 9/1/08
okay. today, after i cooked, then my ah gong's friend bought many food like prawns, yam ring and roast chicken!!! so much food today. my god. i hope no leftovers. back to work tmr. OT project will start soooon. sigh. it's so shitttty. hate projects. =(
and i need to paint my room before CNY. dunno can make it or not. have got super loads of soft toys to clear from my room. sigh. and i am super super super broke. pay not in yet. damn.
baby, i dunno if you will see this. i miss you. =)
in my past..
6/1/08: Sunday Brunch @ Dragon Phoenix Restaurant ...Dear Ms Low,NOTICE OF PARKING OFFENCE NO. : xxxxxx...
Baby's Grandma's Bday! @ 5/1/08 while waiting for ...
Nerd or Psychopathtic? the model here does not wis...
Sarahdee, the Chef tonight. @4/1/08heard mum sayin...
G7 Dinner: 3/1/08 haha, i love this pic. both so ...
i have my jay chou tickets already!!!!! Thanks Hyn...
01/01/08: Meet up with Alvin, Gen & Sammy so touch...
New Year's Eve: 31/12/07 bumped into my belo0ved t...