Friday, January 04, 2008 at 7:40 PM ♥ Sarahdee ♥
Nerd or Psychopathtic?
she's playing the role of some tv character we saw.

Here comes the CHEF!!!!!!!!
i had fun and enjoyed my time with the MODEL. ;)
in my past..
Sarahdee, the Chef tonight. @4/1/08heard mum sayin...G7 Dinner: 3/1/08 haha, i love this pic. both so ...
i have my jay chou tickets already!!!!! Thanks Hyn...
01/01/08: Meet up with Alvin, Gen & Sammy so touch...
New Year's Eve: 31/12/07 bumped into my belo0ved t...
Here is a Toast to the end of 2007, and Cheers to ...
JB road Trip: 29/12 & 30/12 went to this trendy re...
a dinner date with Geok: 26/12/07 my fave, thai ex...
i am not happy.and i am very long more c...
24th DEC: Barnsburry Restaurant service damn slow....